Don't go

By Kyle - 18/01/2024 13:00 - United States - Universal City

Today, my parents finally decided to get a divorce. The catch? I'm on my step-dad's insurance and without it, I will no longer be able to receive my absolutely crucial mental health medication, on which, no exaggeration, my life depends upon. I'm cooked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 552
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your mom can have that you remain on his insurance in the divorce decree. may be your best option.

If your step-dad has any decency, he would keep you on his health insurance. Nevertheless, I agree with another comment that your mom should make it a condition for you to stay on it.


your mom can have that you remain on his insurance in the divorce decree. may be your best option.

If your step-dad has any decency, he would keep you on his health insurance. Nevertheless, I agree with another comment that your mom should make it a condition for you to stay on it.