
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took my 13 year-old fishing off the pier for dogfish. The only thing he caught was a piece of my ear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 192
You deserved it 4 432

Top comments

Hey, piercings are cool these days, you just got one for free! Quit complaining and let him get the other one!

I'd hope not. Everybody knows that ears are much better when fried.


tralala453 22

Why are almost all the comments buried?

My dad's a long-time fisherman and just the sight of fish hooks still gives me the creeps.

Ouch, well at least you go to spend time with your kid. The ear...that hurts just thinking about it. Get well.

Ouch...well get a ring it's a free piecing...unless it took a part out of it...