Creative mind

By Dean Heffern - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was paired up with a partner in my film class. He has an idea for a film: "Shoot an onion from all angles, light it on fire, and roll it down a hill." He was dead serious. I'm stuck with this guy for the whole year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 540
You deserved it 4 201


roydawgg 3

you, my friend have been paired up with a nerd

That's a start to a good idea! Maybe it can be like Annoying orange but, instead of using fruit just use vegetables :D

myselfami 1

Yup. FYL, you've been paired with either a pyromaniac that hates veggies or a wannabe indie film maker. Either way it sucks to be you.

eh use a potato instead. less water. more flammable.

just make the onion explode in the end and you got a hell of an action movie.

jorrrdddinnn 1

he's obviously very creative. could be useful in the film industry...just sayin.

Have you been to galleries lately? Honestly, that would probably do really well...its actually kind of a shame.

I would watch it, it has to be better than anything Nicholas Cage has done in recent years...