Cocktail hour

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I drank a beer that I thought was mine. It wasn't, and someone had put their cigarette out in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 940
You deserved it 12 208

Top comments

I use to yell at my dad because he'd leave soda cans everywhere with cigarette butts in them, and then they'd be right next to mine and I'd drink them. I feel your pain.

meh, i once drank a pop that someone put chewing tobacco in, trust me, that is MUCH worse


inlimbo11 0

never done that one before. not really fyl though, just **** the taste in your mouth until you got something to replace it 20 seconds later.

xMooMoox 0

So what do the worst do? Eat not only the yellow snow but the brown too?

I use to yell at my dad because he'd leave soda cans everywhere with cigarette butts in them, and then they'd be right next to mine and I'd drink them. I feel your pain.

andiecormier 0
QueenOfMelodrama 0

As much as that sucks, you kind of deserve it for not keeping better tabs on your drink.

meh, i once drank a pop that someone put chewing tobacco in, trust me, that is MUCH worse

thats what you get for drinking without a lego piece in your poket.