
By skjjj - 26/04/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, I went to my cousin's communion. We arrived late and walked to the front of the church where my family was. Everyone stared and laughed but I ignored it. After the service was done, my mom came up to me and pulled a long piece of toilet paper out of my skirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 580
You deserved it 13 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have such low self esteem that you just expect people to laugh at you on sight, or what?

That's highly embarrassing. From now on, remember to check in the mirror before you leave to any place. :P


THIS SAME EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME! i sat on a piece of toilet paper attached to a piece of caramel corn that was stuck between the car seats, i just jumped out and walked right into church with this long ass piece of toilet paper hangin' off my butt

LOL. quite a lot of these toilet paper stories lately though - is it just me or is stupidity in society increasing by the minute? lols, but that does suck though x]

starberries 0

The congregation just laughed and no one told you? What a bunch of bitches.

To all the guys out there: this happens! ******* shut up about how OP deserves it! It's called life! To OP: that really does suck, but it's not a reason to FYL.

I really wanna know how that happens. Like, seriously? It has never happened to me. I can understand how a skirt might get stuck in one's undies, but how does a foreign object get there? But maybe this happens only to idiots who don't check themselves before leaving the bathroom.

allisadawn91 8

That's highly embarrassing. From now on, remember to check in the mirror before you leave to any place. :P

Honestly op, it's a pretty common thing to have happen. The only part that sucks is that your family was too immature to say anything to you before hand. I'm sorry it happened to you, at least.