Blazing Saddles

By Jen - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while on the phone with a client at work, I was planning on saying either "Yeah." or "Uh-huh." Without thinking, I combined the two and ended up saying "Yee-hah," like a cowboy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 002
You deserved it 33 920


This is one of the stupidest FMLs. Nobody gives a crap. The client probably just thought it was funny. Get over yourself. This is another one where I want the "who cares" button added to this site. I've only submitted a couple FMLs before, but they were rejected and they were definitely better than this stupid thing. I'm sure plenty of others have had good ones rejected too, yet these retarded stories get on here.

balundvall 0

Bahahaha I actually laughed out loud. That must have been really awkward. I could see myself doing that. haha ;)

guckylynn 19

you're an idiot. this is a mlia at best

MzRodriquez95 0

*Pushes The Who Gives A Crap Button* Get Over It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

allyssa_cowgirl 0

Wow, really? Do you have a problem with cowgirls? -there is a feminine version for the word.

baby_gurl2405 0

Well.. as said by the oh-so-famous Big and Rich... "Save a horse ride a cowboy..."

Maybe you wouldn't have had this problem if you were fluent in a language other than troll. And not internet trolls, cool mythical grunting trolls. And by that I don't mean metal bands.

Mightybob50 0

Yes, because your life is over after saying yee-haw for half a second