Been around the world and I, I, I, I can't find my luggage

By 1942ford - 23/07/2013 02:18 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, I called an airline to try to locate a bag I left on a flight. When I told the phone rep which airport I flew into, he asked me what city it was in. He paused after I told him, then asked me what state Seattle is in. I don't think I'll be getting my bag back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 207
You deserved it 3 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chellybelly92 14

That's some good Edmacation right there.


Seattle, you know, home of the Empire State Building, the Taj Mahal, and the pyramids. Seriously though, where are these people getting their education? That truly sucks OP, I hope you get all of your stuff back intact.

Even I know it's Washington and I'm from Europe..

I live in New Zealand and I wouldn't have a friggen clue where Seattle is.

I live in Canada and I also don't know where Seattle is either.

is it really matters if he doesn't know where Seattle is? if you know, you tell him; if you don't, he could search in the system or google it. Nobody knows everything.

To be fair it may just be that he's not American. I'm not American and i don't know what state it's in either. And the guy you phoned probably hears so many city and airport names that it's probably very difficult to remember where they all are.

xStaciexLynnx 15

I think you should cut the guy some slack. You don't know if his job requires him to confirm the state. At my job we collect customer addresses and even if I know the exact street a customer lives on in town I'm required to confirm city, state, and zip. I'm sure if your job is dealing with pissed off people who lost luggage you learn to confirm every detail. Plus we all have blonde moments when our minds don't function properly.

RedPillSucks 31

Exactly. Nothing like freaking the customer out by telling him all the details before he gives it to you. "Oh this is Mr. Jones, you live an 1114 Walla Walla Lane, Seattle Washington, 98101. How's your wife Mary and you two kids Biff and Chip doing?"

He then went on to say "ah, Seattle. Capital of Washington!" Right? Lol

I think the sarcasm of your comment is flying over the heads of most people.

maybe he should have applied at Wal-Mart instead

I only know because of the stupid twilight movie, but I don't know every city to every state, I mean it is kind of useless information. Just tell him where you are and move on.

I'm pretty sure this is my mom..Why is my mom on FML..