Bad sex

By wellfuck - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Lexington

Today, I realized I get more pleasure watching YouTube videos of people lighting their farts on fire than I do from making love to my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 944
You deserved it 7 875

Top comments

Steve95401 49

Light one of his farts on fire during sex and double your pleasure.

how can such videos be more pleasurable then making love with your husband ?! seems like YouTube is getting more attention than your hubby


it takes TWO to tango, remember that.

In your defense, those videos are pretty hard to beat.

That's both of your faults for letting it get this far. But don't wait till its to late spice it up...

Why dont you say something to him or leave its not fair to neither of you if you stay and be unhappy

Well it seems you like it rough, or u like the pain of others or the humor

Maybe you should change the web address from to and learn some things to increase both your satisfaction and his

OP you gotta figure out why? Apologies for not sympathizing .

farts on fire over sex? tell him to go fast and always give you anal. problem solved

Sounds like a trip to the sex shop is needed