Bad sex

By wellfuck - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Lexington

Today, I realized I get more pleasure watching YouTube videos of people lighting their farts on fire than I do from making love to my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 944
You deserved it 7 875

Top comments

Steve95401 49

Light one of his farts on fire during sex and double your pleasure.

how can such videos be more pleasurable then making love with your husband ?! seems like YouTube is getting more attention than your hubby


praesidiem 16

I think the extinguishing factor of this FML, is whether or not you're dousing the flames of passion in your relationship. But, it's safe to say, things aren't too hot in your bedroom. I think it's time I stop drop and roll out of the comment section, before I'm flamed for these hellish puns.

Instead of complaining about it, why not tell your husband and/or try something new? It's not just his job to entertain you - You've gotta meet him halfway.

gintwinsmoore 20

Who's to say she's tried everything and he's the one being unadventurous here??? Usually it's the women who get bored first. Men never get tired of sex because it's only one or two things it takes to get them off. But women require a little more than that...more mental stimuli beforehand.

Well, it's time to fire upp your sex life then..

Time to have a talk with your husband.

Maybe you should tell him to learn how to give you pleasure? For instance, try some new positions and get a book about it for him.

Tsukiyomi 16

I have no idea how to interpret this FML I

You lady, have the most disturbing fetish i have ever heard of.

Theater_Chef_3 30

I would say it's time to have a serious talk with your husband about sex and what you want / need to get off.