Bad sex

By wellfuck - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Lexington

Today, I realized I get more pleasure watching YouTube videos of people lighting their farts on fire than I do from making love to my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 944
You deserved it 7 875

Top comments

Steve95401 49

Light one of his farts on fire during sex and double your pleasure.

how can such videos be more pleasurable then making love with your husband ?! seems like YouTube is getting more attention than your hubby


1. It seems there are turnons I have not heard of 2. Talk to your husband!!!

1. It seems there are turnons I have not heard of... 2. Talk to your husband!!! 3. Farts!!! Really???

YDI because you chose to marry him. Either light his farts like comment #1 suggested or actually spend more time with him than you do on youtube.

really? I mean fun is an essential part of life but putting that over intimacy and affection with your husband seems wrong in my eyes. clearly there are not issue at play here. best of luck for you and your husband though.

Jethco 15

It will never improve if you continue telling strangers and keeping the truth from him.

lassielibby 9
vintageart1994 16

Damn.. That's when u know the love has really sizzled down. Put in some effort into lighting the fire again!

Very confused how videos of people lighting their farts on fire gives you sexual pleasure... They may be funny?