Baby you can drive my car

By fuck off you fucking shitburglar - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, a tailgating idiot rear-ended me at a red light, then had the balls to say it was my fault for "driving too close" to his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 491
You deserved it 1 508

Top comments

I mean in terms of insurance and finding fault, you probably wont have to worry. Hes supposed to give enough space to stop safely. He may be an ass, but youll come out on top for this one :)

So driving too close to him when you're in front? What an idiot


im pretty sure he automatically gets blamed for being behind you but not 100% sure how it works in the us.

Pretty much the same here in the U.S. There are VERY few situations where the person behind wouldn't be at fault.

It's a wonder how most people even pass the driving tests.

Laugh about it. The police won't believe his "reasoning".

coffeelicious 11

How on earth was he allowed to be on the road? What a douche.

Rear-ended by an asshole… at least the event has some sort of symmetry to it.

And how will this prove his case? He has nothing on that...


Well, if the two of you backed up to the stop, then YDI. Otherwise, he is too stupid to be driving.

lets just see how his argument stands in court.

In cases of an accident cops always give a ticket to the person in back because they should leave enough room that they can stop even if the person in front of them slams on the breaks during a rainstorm. No worries on your part .

the only time the car in the back MAY have a defense: the car in front is a stick and they are on a hill. as far as the US goes, you are always at fault if you rear end someone.

If the person illegally backs out of a parking space and you rear end them is pretty much the only other time the car in front is at fault