Highway to hell

By hnnhyoo - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Oxnard

Today, I got told that I was going to hell for turning down a man who was at least in his 60s. Even after I told him I was married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 570
You deserved it 1 707

Top comments

This is disgusting but sadly a lot of women experience this type of thing all too often.

karcummings 19

some people are just rude, don't listen to them cause its not true.


Wow what is wrong with some people.. sorry OP

This is disgusting but sadly a lot of women experience this type of thing all too often.

Once, a guy told me with a deadpan expression that I was going to get hit by lightning if I didn't go out with him, and that a storm was coming so watch out.

Growing up around church, my wife has been told by two or three guys that God told them that they were going to marry her.. You girls have my sympathy because some guys are idiots...

My sister works as a waitress while shes in college, and the idiots that go to that restaurant hit on her so often that she had to buy herself a fake engagement ring to keep them away. And I'm talking about guys that her age, guys older than her, and guys that are still in high school. Me on the other hand, the guys who hit on me are either disgusting guys who pick their nose in public, or guys who want nothing but sex.. (a rumor went around about me in school that I was a total *****, and I'd sleep with anyone, its not true)

Um, it happens to men as well. That doesn't make it any better, but don't ignore half of the cases

^^ there's always one. No one said women are perfect and charming to men, just chill out that's not what the FMLs about, ffs.

Nikki 16

Notice how when men complain women don’t immediately comment ‘iT hApPeNs To WoMeN ToO’ maybe take a tip from them

karcummings 19

some people are just rude, don't listen to them cause its not true.

I just pictured Frollo singing the hellfire song.

maybe that was a continuation of his pick up lines (HELL=hot)

Eleventh commandment: Thou shalt not reject an old man's advances no matter what.

tiptoppc 19

12th commandment - Rufus shall not be acknowledged in the Hollie Bibble.

I tell you what. Grab your hubby, a 6 pack of beer, and tell him the old man was trying to get with you. Throw them in a room and see who walks out.

Honestly depends on what occupation the old man retired from.

Lillyyy06 6

When you don't turn down someone you are seen as 'too easy' and this is what happens when you do. Society these days...