You can't say anything these days

By Ashley Marshburn - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 4 year-old daughter walked into my home office and said, "Fuck you!" Then she ran to my husband and said, "Did I say it right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 580
You deserved it 5 356

Top comments

Nyc__Princess 0

lol ! Don't blame her, she was just a messanger.

Lauren10102 3


adorkable_spazz 0

haha win for the husband! now you guys just gotta stop her from saying it everywhere your family goes. o.0 good luck! [:

x805xUnknown 6

Hahaha, this is ******* funny!!!

that's not funny. would you say that to your own mom? it is very disrespectful to say that to someone who cares and loves you everyday...shame on the father for showing the child how to say something like that

Thank you! Completely agreed, you make a very good point.

you only live once, so why not do it ;D

AlvaTheStarvingA 0

46- My scenerio or the FML...?

FirstBornUnicorn 0

Sometimes I feel like telling my mother that. ...But then again, I'm 15, not 4...

no_dumbass 0

If I was ever trying to say that to my mother, not only she would kick me out of the house, but she would also slap me so hard that my head would be doing a few 360°C on itself! And I'm 23yo...