You can't say anything these days

By Ashley Marshburn - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 4 year-old daughter walked into my home office and said, "Fuck you!" Then she ran to my husband and said, "Did I say it right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 580
You deserved it 5 356

Top comments

Nyc__Princess 0

lol ! Don't blame her, she was just a messanger.

Lauren10102 3


tiptoppc 19

Swearing isn’t anything but sounds and words. I don’t understand the taboo behind it, and can’t wait to teach my kids to swear in 10 languages. If people get offended by sounds, they must have a large stick up their ass cause there are certainly worse things to teach kids. Like how to fire guns at a young age..