What a ******* liar, dude! What a *******, weaselly, little liar, dude!

By nohablaespanol - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Sanger

Today, I had an interview for a job I really wanted. On my resumé, I wrote that I speak conversational Spanish, although I don't. When I arrived for the interview, my interviewer decided to conduct it in Spanish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 656
You deserved it 95 923

Top comments

SharnaaaBanana 22

YDI. Why would you risk that?

Great thinking OP. Did it ever occur to you that you might one day have to demonstrate the skills you put on a resume? You most definitely deserve it.


Serlenia 3

That's what you get for lying :P.

You deserved it completely. **** you, OP. You should never lie to a potential employer. You are a *******.

I don't care how many people say they do it - never write _anything_ on a CV that you can't back up! Your employer will expect to trust you and if your first impression is a lie then there is no way you are going any further.

Lying on a resume is not good at all, my friend

You're an actual idiot. Everyone embellishes slightly on their CV - for example I say 'fluent' Spanish when I can hold long conversations with natives without problems, but I wouldn't know random words like 'plug' or 'railing' off the top of my head. Making up a language skill entirely? And not even an obscure language at that? YDI, completely.

You get the dumbass of the century award for that.

Do you really expect us to feel sorry for you?