Too Much Sugar By FML Approved - 20/10/2017 22:00 - United States - New York Sometimes all you can do is sit back and let them get it out of their systems. I agree, your life sucks 472 You deserved it 109 Share Tweet Share
Today, I found out that in the three years I've been dating my boyfriend, his parents have secretly been going through all of his emails, including the ones I've sent him with "sexy" pictures attached. I can't look his parents in the eye without being reminded that they've both seen me naked. FML I agree, your life sucks 27 300 You deserved it 14 749
Today, we were running late because my hair got tangled in the curtains. My mother-in-law got so angry, she hacked at it, leaving me with a bald patch, then went and sat in the car as though we were still going anywhere with her. FML I agree, your life sucks 2 094 You deserved it 200
Today, I went out for some very expensive sushi. Two hours later, I found myself on the toilet, violently voiding my bowels. I essentially paid to have liquid orange shit. FML I agree, your life sucks 31 496 You deserved it 7 513
Today, I realized that I can't shave my unibrow because I have too much acne on my forehead. FML I agree, your life sucks 56 624 You deserved it 10 353
Today, it's my birthday. My wife took me to my favorite restaurant for dinner. She made me pay for my birthday dinner, along with hers. She also got me a gift card to HER favorite store. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 116 You deserved it 164
Today, my girlfriend cheated on me and still played the victim. She went and told her friends that I didn't give her freedom. She said I didn't let her buy a toaster. We had an airfryer with a toast option! FML I agree, your life sucks 1 113 You deserved it 158
Today, I was working and a woman wanted to pay with a credit card. It already had a picture on the card so you don't have to ask for i.d., and just glancing at it. I asked, "Oh, is this your husband's card?" She then replied, "No, that's just me with glasses and short hair." FML I agree, your life sucks 19 185 You deserved it 46 677
Today, while playing golf, I hit my ball near some tall grass along the edge of the water. Unbeknownst to me, there was an alligator hiding in the grass. He growled at me during my shot, causing me to put the ball directly into the pond. Alligator: 1 Me: 0. FML I agree, your life sucks 2 777 You deserved it 451
when she/he stopped at the top of the stairs, she/he could have stuck a paw out and tripped his ass for running in the house.