Todd is fine, and you?

By blind_date - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went on a blind date with a guy who talked about himself in the third person. Seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 914
You deserved it 6 415

Top comments

Alan agrees with Rachel, and also just favorited this FML. Alan doesn't believe your life is ******.


sirfuzzitoes 0
Kristoffer 35
jw90 18

Today I went on a blind date with this really pretty girl. Trying to be funny I talked myself through the whole thing in third person. Her reaction...posting it on

One of my many mottoes: Never trust anyone who speaks of themselves in the third person, unless they are doing it for ironic effect and you know them very well.

Brett likes all of the third-person comments. Self-narration is awesome.

Did he look like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons? :D

elle thought it was cute.. it's fun talking in 3rd person..

Bee finds that Funny. Bee Laughed. But Bee also thinks it's sorta cute XD