Todd is fine, and you?

By blind_date - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went on a blind date with a guy who talked about himself in the third person. Seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 914
You deserved it 6 415

Top comments

Alan agrees with Rachel, and also just favorited this FML. Alan doesn't believe your life is ******.


plexico wants to know something about the date. plexico wants to know if you have a problem with people who don't use pronouns to refer to people's selves. Tell us something that will make plexico's day.

"Us" is a pronoun referring to people's selves.

"Us" referred to the entire FML readership which includes people who use pronouns. Nice try, though.

dahlia says to intoxicunt, you can't beat plexico, he will pwn you in the ass.

Sorry, "us" includes yourself with the FML readership, breaking the rules of third person. The correct way would be "plexico and everyone on FML" or something similar.

You're included in "us", otherwise it would be "they". #136 is right, as am I. NICE TRY. :) plex is going to do what to my ass? Did I agree to this?

meezer008 0

hahaha this is so funny everyones in third person now

Methinks your blind date was trollin' Investigate. He might be hilarious.


Jen thinks this FML is funny!! Jen just added this to her favorites!

Moore1 0

Serena lol'd. Oh yes, Serena lol'd hard.

LMFAOOOOOOO Yuna thinks Alan and Alan are awesome, and that Alan will win.

who was the third person ? i dont get it. i might be stoned.