By oil300 - 23/07/2015 02:34 - Australia - Hawker

Today, while I was at home watching Netflix, my parents drunkenly stumbled through the door making out the whole time. I thought that the situation couldn't get worse, but then my Dad asked me if I had a condom they could use. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 161
You deserved it 2 508

oil300 tells us more.

Ahahah some of the comments here are pretty funny...but some are pretty weirdos

Top comments

MrThump 16

Hope you gave him a ribbed one for your mums pleasure.


darthhera 11

Discovering more about Pluto tells us a lot about how Earth was formed...Now you're like earth, buddy! Enjoy the discovery firsthand!

It'd be worse if you got to hear everything afterward. Besides, they seem to be happy. :)

Hey at least they're playing it safe..

But but .. it feels so much better without a condom !

MzZombicidal 36

Sure, giving birth and raising a child is so much better than a thin, rubber shield...