By chillnhill - 11/09/2015 02:31 - United States - Shippensburg

Today, my wife is unreasonably mad at me for telling our kids to call toilet paper, "Butt Floss". FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 759
You deserved it 24 639

chillnhill tells us more.

chillnhill 24

OP here, many thanks to those that saw the humor in this! For those that think "YDI", you should know that this happened a VERY long time ago and my kids have all grown up to be successful adults with rich fulfilling lives...

Top comments


chillnhill 24

OP here, many thanks to those that saw the humor in this! For those that think "YDI", you should know that this happened a VERY long time ago and my kids have all grown up to be successful adults with rich fulfilling lives...

Lol it was hilarious and good luck with your kids futures! (I mean that in a good way)

successful adults with rich fulfilling lived, who still mistakenly refer to toilet paper as "butt floss" perhaps?

YDI for bring immature, mate. I don't think anyone was seriously claiming it would ruin their lives.

I'm a bit confused--your wife is currently unreasonably mad at something that happened years ago?

Jethco 15