By Gloomzz - 28/04/2016 13:54 - Latvia - Riga

Today, my mum is on a week-long trip. Everything was fine, until I realised she forgot to leave me any money. Now I'm out of food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 960
You deserved it 2 347

Gloomzz tells us more.

Hey everyone, I'm the OP, not sure if this will work as a follow-up since I wasn't logged in when I posted this, but I'm going to try and explain further anyway. First off, I want to say that this is wouldn't have happened IF my debit card worked, since my mum could just complete a bank transfer. For the people saying that this is a bluff - we are a very healthy family and only eat organic food, which gets spoiled quickly (I am also on a strict diet because of health issues and can only eat certain foods). I borrowed some money from classmates as school is still going, so I should survive the week. #4 My neighbors didn't though

Top comments

Cook whatever device this was submitted in. Cut off unnecessary limbs. Use them for food. Burn furniture for warmth. Survive.


Cook whatever device this was submitted in. Cut off unnecessary limbs. Use them for food. Burn furniture for warmth. Survive.

NoThanks999 19

FINALLY! A comment made me laugh

OptimusSlime 23

Go some friends house and eat dinner with their family. Seems cheap but it's better than starving and you can hang out with a friend.

No! Dogs have been mankind's companions and hunting partners for thousands of years. He can eat the fish, the parrot, the bunny, and maybe even the cat ... but definitely not the dog!

#3 your picture makes your comment so much worse

How the heck is eating dog different to eating any other animal. They are all animals, it makes no sense how you can find eating a dog disgusting yet you probably see no problem with eating pig??

Eating your dog is kind of like eating your baby. Now if I'm starving I won't say I won't do it, as you said, they're all animals, and they even do it in other cultures, but I'd prefer to eat other people's babies. Me and the dog could spilt it.

Probably because pigs were domesticated for food as opposed to companionship like dogs.

Different cultures. As someone who grew up seeing dogs as companions only, I would never eat a dog. However, people in other countries are raised seeing dogs as food. I'm not vegetarian, so to say it shouldn't happen would be hypocritical, though all animals should be killed as humanely as possible.

MasterTron 24

This is not Hannibal Lecter! I just got done watching some of that movie

#4 says to eat the neighbors and gets top comment. But #3 says eat the dog and gets disliked. So its safe to assume dogs are worth more than humans right?

#4 says eat the neighbors, and he gets top comment but #3 says eat the dog and gets disliked. Not sure what to think about this.

Yup. Dogs aren't assholes on purpose, but people tend to be.

jnugzzz 6

Eat the neighbors is obviously a joke, but eat the dog could be real advice. Probably why they received different responses

It has to be good for you. It's organic after all.

Set a trap for the postman ... they go nicely with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti. You may have to steal the latter two, but trust me, it's worth it ...

well that's why there are banks for that let her send

Call her and ask for her credit card, and use it to buy a pizza

Hopefully you have family that live near by and you can walk there. Even better if you have a bike or scooter. These are the moments in life when you realize you need great friends in your life.

Misskreher 30

do you not have your own money and bank account?

I'm sure that if he just explains what happened like call her or something then the mom could like give them the credit card or at least reimburse op when they got back

You do know that OP is most likely a teenager right? Did you have your own bank account and money as a teen, who bought your families groceries when you were a teen?

soactually 4

Yes. Yes I did have my own bank account and money as a teen, at least enough to keep me fed for a week. I worked odd jobs for neighbors and saved up for emergencies. Are you really telling me teens don't do that any more?

Misskreher 30

#29, I've had a bank account my whole life. I am a teen. and I make my own money

#29 yes I did, I had my first news paper job at the age of 10 haven't been without work since that day

No, I do not, my card is linked with my mothers bank account and has not been working since forever. There hasn't been a need for one either.