By TinyBouvier - 27/10/2014 08:04 - Belgium - Gent

Today, my friend drove up a parking lot and I unbuckled my seatbelt as soon as we were parked. He then suddenly saw a better spot right in front and moved his car. When I got out, a police officer approached me, saying I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. I was fined for that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 936
You deserved it 5 021

LittleDoggo tells us more.

My friend parked between two other cars and as I was about to get out of the car, he said, "hold on, I'm gonna move to that spot", since he noticed the parking spot in front of him had more room. So he slowly drove forward for a few meters and then we were parked again. It was such a small distance and at such low speed that I didn't bother to buckle up again. Unfortunately for me, the police officer who saw me in those five seconds where I wasn't wearing the seatbelt, didn't believe me when I tried to explain that I had just unbuckled my seatbelt moments before we moved to that parking spot. He was firmly convinced that I wasn't wearing my seatbelt the whole time and gave me a fine of 110€... That's roughly 139$. I fear I won't be able to fight this ticket. After a quick search on Google, I found out that in Belgium the parking lot of a store is also considered a "public road". Ridiculous.

Top comments

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Wouldn't your friend have backed you up?

That police officer was just being a dick you should fight it in court


Police can't give tickets on private property........

Dumbass, in Belgium(where op is) parking lots/car parks are public roads. Learn to read goddammit.

Hey hey hey. No need for attitude. You could say it nicer than you did

82 isn't the first to assume that so it gets aggravating

cops aren't supposed to give out tickets in parking lots because it's private property to the business owner. it's illegal for them to give a ticket. so you got boned.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

OP responded. In Belgium, parking lots are considered public property. So the fine was totally legal.

if you were already out of the car then that's bullshit

Ur fault should have waited till car was parked

Isn't a parking lot private property? The rules of the road don't apply there. That's why you can learn to drive there, even drive in the wrong way?

Having the seatbelt of any passenger fastened is the driver's responsibility. He gets fined, not you. At least that's how it works where I live.

no idea why you got downvoted. it's the same in my country