By Anonymous - 08/10/2014 03:15 - United States - San Diego

Today, my co-worker spent the afternoon taking online personality quizzes and messaging everyone the results. She was particularly proud of one which told her she was a hard-working overachiever. My boss walked by just as the message for that one popped up and I got in trouble for slacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 421
You deserved it 2 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tony1891 22

damn bosses. They always happen to walk in at the wrong time.

Wow, just tell him what was really going on and that it was your coworker's fault. Hopefully he'll understand..


I think if you explain then she'll understand. Unless she's completely unreasonable....

Sucks OP. Sometimes we pay for other's laziness. It's not fair, I know but life isn't fair. Hope you were able to explain it to your boss.

I'll admit that I love taking personality tests but I only take them when I'm not suppose to be doing anything else.

You should have showed him all the messages from your co-worker. It would be a dick move, but you would only be saving yourself (to a certain extent) and hopefully put an end to having you and others make up for your co-worker's behaviour.

Just because she messaged the results doesn't mean you had to read them. You could have ignored them and done the job you're being paid to do.