By frustrated girlfriend - 29/12/2016 03:30 - United States - Raleigh

Today, my boyfriend and I spent all day preparing an amazing meal for my extended family, and then 3 hours before dinner his crazy mother forced him home because she felt "excluded". He's spent the past 3 days with her. There's no way for me to keep him and get rid of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 248
You deserved it 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Red flags, red flags everywhere. It sounds like you need to bring up the issue to your boyfriend and hope he grows a pair. If not, it might be better to let him go before that kind of situation turns into something you commit your life to. Sorry, OP.

Bring it up to him, tell him honestly why it's bothering you and talk to him about possible ways to get the mom to back off. If he can't understand why this type of stuff upsets you it might be time to seriously wonder if the relationship is worth it. I've seen relationships like this before and unless they're willing to work on a solution with you, change won't happen on its own. That's my advice, but on a personal note, he should really put his foot down because damn, she's needy (the mom not op)


Imma just drop this here.... Reddit, justnoMIL is the thread, I went through this same stuff with my ex, that thread helped me out SO much for this kinda stuff, you and your boy might want to have a little reading fest.

Red flags, red flags everywhere. It sounds like you need to bring up the issue to your boyfriend and hope he grows a pair. If not, it might be better to let him go before that kind of situation turns into something you commit your life to. Sorry, OP.

<p>Oh man, I understand this unfortunately. I had a boyfriends mom tell me "I don't want you to take my baby away from me." Talk to him about it. If his umbilical cord is still attached may need to concider other options. It could be dangerous for you.</p>

<p>suppose you to get rid of her .</p>

yeah, so you are sure he really spent the last 3 days with her or did he just day so? Your reluctance to bond with his mom gives him possibility to play the mom card whenever he wants, maybe he is doing completely different stuff with completely different people and just doesn't want you to know about it..

randybryant799 20

She did not force him home. He chose to go.