By justash12 - 25/08/2013 09:13 - United States - Kearny

Today, my boyfriend and I are on camping vacation. On my way out of the tent, I stepped in a pile of shit. When I told him, he said, "Oh, I couldn't make it to the bathroom last night." The bathroom was a minute walk from our tent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 807
You deserved it 3 950

justash12 tells us more.

OP here following up with some details! I can not get the image of him crouching in front of the tent and taking a shit out of my head! Yes, it was a shitty situation. No, I haven't dumped him. Shoes were on! We were at a public campground, down the shore. The bathrooms have toilets, showers, sinks, and TP.

Top comments

that's a long walk for a man who has to poop!

He was just afraid of all the bears and lions which frequent the camp at night. It's a perfectly valid excuse.


that's disgusting. has he never heard of the saying "you dont shit where you sleep"

Like bears, people do shit in the woods (wherever they want).

oh, what a wonderful morning in mother nature's refuge...

I hope you don't run into whatever he grabbed to wipe himself with. If he even bothered to do it!

OP here following up with some details! I can not get the image of him crouching in front of the tent and taking a shit out of my head! Yes, it was a shitty situation. No, I haven't dumped him. Shoes were on! We were at a public campground, down the shore. The bathrooms have toilets, showers, sinks, and TP.

The way you phrased that made me picture your boyfriend "taking a shit out of your head" :/

Maybe he was making a joke and just seeing if you would take it seriously? ... I hope so, if not the guy has some serious issues.

blue_eyed_cutie 3

I'll admit that's gross, and he should have warned you ahead of time, but when ya gotta go, ya gotta go Lol

Sounds like a joke I'd make... I would assume this was a joke too, if not, yeeeeeah, he's got issues.