By H.B - 14/10/2018 17:30 - Germany

Today, my boss gave our coffee machine to her sister-in-law. I work in a cafe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 078
You deserved it 152

Top comments

Well now you work in a room. With a moron of a boss.

A cafe without a coffee machine is like having a bathroom without a toilet.


Well now you work in a room. With a moron of a boss.

A cafe without a coffee machine is like having a bathroom without a toilet.

If it has a bath, it can be an actual bathroom and not a pissing and ******** room that everyone is too prissy to call by its proper name.

And what per chance would you call that room? As in modern dialect bathroom is synonymous with lavatory.

Emma Marshall 19

But it's still a bathroom.... there's a bath....

Now you work at a water fountain. Hope you have a catchy name like “Hydration Station” to bring in gullible hipsters who will pay for free things.

"We don't normally charge customers, but since you're 19, and dressed like my grandfather, it's $3.50. No, we don't accept Bitcoin, or PayPal."

your boss is an idiot! unless there's more to this that we don't get from the FML.

I'm assuming that the coffee machine belonged to the cafe. If your boss is not the owner of the cafe, that would be theft.

tounces7 27

Time to look for a new job because your current one isn't going to last much longer.

I don't know what's worse The fact the boss is dense enough to give away a big part of the business Or the fact your boss gave his in law an old used cafe coffee machine haha

Is there more to this? Is it an old coffee machine? Is there a new one waiting to be installed? So many questions and so little answers