By StupidDentist - 20/06/2011 19:21 - United States

Today, I went to the dentist to get a filling. Instead of giving me Novocaine, my dentist decided he was going to use a special new paste on me while he drilled. It didn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 948
You deserved it 3 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caity1419 0

And you didn't stop him or tell him?


theten_fml 9

thank you, now the rest of us won't have to go through that.

i've gotten lots of fillings without getting numb. it's not bad.

DrummItUp 0

You should have sang "Give Me Novacaine" by Green Day :)

call up your dentist... tell him he's a little bitch

**** man i would have told him "try it on urself asswhole!" lol

Well atleast ur dentist didnt do what my moms did....she was too busy talking to someone & drilled a hole through my moms tongue & now its completely numb o_o.......but that my friend, blowss D: sorry

Did you sign something to consent? I taste a lawsuit.

ReynshineCutting 10

You don't have to sign anything to consent. Just saying "sure" would be enough consent. Either way, there's no lawsuit here considering most dentists will try and do fillings without anything and expect you to ask for something if it hurts.

ReynshineCutting 10

All of you saying you've had fillings without any drugs, good for you. You didn't have very deep fillings. OP obviously did so it hurt like hell.