By Very_Bad_Luck - 10/08/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, I was having a serious discussion with my girlfriend of 11 months. I broke the news that I was diagnosed with Lymphoma and I needed her support through my treatments. Ten minutes after, I receive a text saying that she can't endure the pain and stress that I'm causing her, and that we're done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 349
You deserved it 3 302

Very_Bad_Luck tells us more.

Very_Bad_Luck 0

Hi. I'm deciding to comment on my own FML to truly thank the people who wish me luck and keep me in their prayers. If you wish to learn more check out my profile. Thanks!!

Top comments

Wow, what a bitch. You should be happy she's gone.

Well, dude, I gotta be honest: If she wasn't willing/able to support you through this, she's not the one for you anyway. To be fair, it couldn't be easy for her, either (no, it's not 'all about her', but neither is it an easy thing to see someone through) and if you can't cope, you just can't cope. It sucks but it's how it goes. Really, though, the reality is that if you *really* love someone, there's pretty much nothing you won't support them through, and she just wasn't in it. FYL, mate. Best of luck, hope everything turns out well and that you have other people (who really love you) to support you through this shitty time.


... and if they don't dump you then, they'll just dump you afterwards for being such a manipulative asshole?

Thats pretty horrible that she gave it only 10 minutes hopefully you find someone more supportive and caring :(

She's a bitch, I hope that there IS a hell so she can go there

The shit you're putting her through? Wow, self-centered bitch... she doesn't know half the shit you're going through on your own. All she had to do was imply that you have a reason to keep living ("I love you," hugs and kisses, the occasional hospital visit, etc), that's not hard at all, and she couldn't even do that. Sorry man, but she'll never be good enough for you.

Then he's screwed either way, because she was probably using this as a good excuse to break up with him. But she could have supported him as a friend, too.

Uh, yeah, agreed, what the hell. You don't lie about having a serious disease just to see if they'd stay with you. That's messed up. This guy tried to get me to be his girlfriend by testing me; he posed as a friend and told me he had died. I don't even know what the hell he was thinking; that's just ******.

What a ******* bitch key her car. She should be less a ..i cant describe it without swearing to much. I just hope your going to be okay, youll find the right person soon. Best of Luck.

Wow. I am really sorry about both the diagnosis and the fact that the girl left you. Firstly, I never usually comment on FMLs but this one I can relate to. I have been with my boyfriend for close to two years, and in November he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Up until a few weeks ago he had been going through treatment and I can't imagine myself not being there for him through the entire thing. If she truly loved you, I highly doubt that she would leave you at such a time. You deserve much better, and you have much more important things to deal with than a girl who can't even be there for her boyfriend at a time like this. Just focus on those who are there for you and getting better. Secondly, best of luck to you! It will be a difficult time, but there is hope. Three weeks ago my boyfriend found out that he beat the cancer and is now in remission, and hopefully the same will happen to you. /end long comment.

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