By Halcyon_Sancta - 19/01/2015 13:05 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I was cuddling with my boyfriend when I began dozing off. I was then awoken by an explosive fart. It was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 769
You deserved it 5 533

Halcyon_Sancta tells us more.

Hi, op here. Just so you guys know, the fart didn't kill my boyfriend. And now we fart around each other all the time. It's hilarious. Also- I know heteronormativity is a thing, but we're both men.

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Well if it was a long term bf then he really shouldn't care and if he does care because of such a little thing then maybe he's just not the right guy for you. Hope it all works out op


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If people took showers every time they farted, we would be showering upwards of 10x a day

Yes but usually explosive refers to more of a shart

Explosive can also mean it was extremly loud. You can't tell me that you haven't had a fart at least once in your life that shattered glass and made people's ears bleed.

tbh the morning after this party some of us slept over and I woke a couple of people up with a fart that was 100% unexpected and I was awake. It still haunts me to this day because the people that know will never let it go, my friend brought it up the other day and it was like 3 years ago

Well if it was a long term bf then he really shouldn't care and if he does care because of such a little thing then maybe he's just not the right guy for you. Hope it all works out op

Could've been worse, Could've been explosive diarrhea.

Where will you be when diarrhea strikes?

skyttlz 32

Stopped behind the longest red light in town

Thank heavens! I'm not the only one that has done that. It's humiliating but it'll pass.

I didn't even realize that there was a "pun" in my original comment. A pretty bad one at that.

You'll be fine. Guys don't normally care that much about a fart to break up with you. It may be awkward now, but you'll probably laugh about it later.

"She farted so loud, she woke the dog." --Sean in 'Good Will Hunting'

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