By thanks4support - 14/05/2014 13:12 - United States - Grove City

Today, I took a pregnancy test because I'd missed a few periods, gained weight, and been moody. Turns out I'm just fat and moody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 603
You deserved it 11 669

thanks4support tells us more.

OP here, first off I am not overweight, just gained about ten pounds shortly out of nowhere. Thank you to all of those who did have health concerns I am looking into all that.

Top comments

rhcpgurl 18

I'd still go to the doctors too see whats going on unless you want to be on an "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" episode

She thought she was taking sperm pills but it turned out they were just tic-tacs.


She thought she was taking sperm pills but it turned out they were just tic-tacs.

If anything it's nocebo, but even then I doubt OP got fat because she thought she was pregnant.

Hysterical and sympathetic pregnancies actually do cause weight gain in some people.

I did that post on the wrong one. I have a shitty attention span. I tried to change it but it was 2 late.

OP thought she was taking Weight Watcher pills. Turns out they were upside down MM's.

incoherentrmblr 21

3 words: Planet Fitness & Cocaine...

#53, how was it to the wrong post, when it was the first one made?

Demig0d6 14

Or op can try joining Alan's Shredded Club

Or just buy a punching bag. 2 birds with one stone :p

Running not also improves your mood. It also helps to lose weight, so double win! OP, you should go to the Dr. it is not normal that your period is gone and you are gaining weight, it must be related... (PCOS?) Good luck!

Hormones of a women. That's life for ya.

PattonGilette2 18

Scumbag follicle stimulating hormones and LH hormones...

You'll blame her obesity on hormones?!

rocker_chick23 27

#79: If you looked at OP's response, you would see she isn't obese. In fact, she seems a little underweight in her picture.

Everyone gets moody every once and a while. Just let it pass! :)

rhcpgurl 18

I'd still go to the doctors too see whats going on unless you want to be on an "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" episode

8313girl 28

Didn't you just love those episodes? I'm glad they stopped making them because they just didn't make sense anymore. Also, I couldn't understand how every baby born was healthy when the mom never changed her lifestyle. Yes OP please go to the doctor and get that checked out.

Could very well be an ovarian cyst. Get to an OBGYN asap

I'd still go to the doctor. The home tests aren't 100% accurate and if you've missed a few periods, even it you're not pregnant, there's still probably something not right.

RedPillSucks 31

Would you rather Fat, Moody, AND pregnant?

I think if OP was pregnant, she would at least understand the cause of the weight gain, missed periods and moodiness. Not knowing what's wrong with you can be an FML.

cadillacgal79 32

Hmm, she might want too, but I can go months without getting a period and still feel fine. I might want to add that I'm 13, so none of you think that because of the missed periods I'm pregnant.

If you recently started your period, having them sporadically and missing months is normal. it's just because your body hasnt gotten into its cycle yet. im going to assume that you havent had your period for years and your body is still trying to get into a cycle. if youre older and your period randomly stops for months, something may be wrong and you should see your doctor.

cadillacgal79 32

I started it when I was 12, so no it's not recent

That's still pretty recent compared to the span of your whole natural cycle. It's only been one year, so yes, it's pretty recent. That could be simple reason why your periods are irregular. Give it time for your body to sort it out. If irregularities continue for years, you should see your PCP to rule out any health concerns.