By Anonymous - 05/10/2017 20:45 - Nigeria

Today, I scored the winning goal for a tournament. Too bad it was for the opposition team. If only looks could kill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 583
You deserved it 825

Top comments

To be fair, it was your fault for not paying attention. But hey, you scored a goal! Your teammates shouldn't have been so harsh on you op.


azouwa 26

lol. ouch. sorry. your life does suck.

arioch_fml 20

It's a good thing looks can't kill, or you'd be dead.

To be fair, it was your fault for not paying attention. But hey, you scored a goal! Your teammates shouldn't have been so harsh on you op.

Little Richard 11

So you're the best player on the other team?

gobiteme2 34

Great use of miss direction, no one saw this one coming.

Stiggy626 25

my buddy did that... Got a rebound in basketball and put it back up, in the other teams goal haha he was super excited but we were like nice shot man but wrong goal hahaha