By notsuperstitious - 24/01/2013 16:37 - Finland

Today, I realised that my friend hasn't spoken to me for a week. A week ago I politely explained to her that I really don't believe in horoscopes, and asked her at the time to stop systematically using my star-sign to explain my behaviour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 113
You deserved it 4 772

notsuperstitious tells us more.

notsuperstitious 2

Sorry for my english, it isn't my first language. I actually WAS polite, I said something like "I understand that horoscopes are important to you, but I really don't share the same view. So I would appreciate if you didn't mention it so often-if I am being a bitch, could you just say so and not say, "all scorpions do that"? And yeah, I'm not that sorry for losing a friend,as she apparently values her superstitions over me, I'm just pissed off, (O.P.)

Top comments

MrClean17 15

Did your horoscope say that would happen?

Do the opposite of what the horoscopes say so she can stop believing too.


KiddNYC1O 20

Can't eat, can't sleep... reach for the stars!

I had a fortune cookie that told me I was "going to have a vacation across the desert sands" right before I took a trip to Vegas. It was the only thing that ever ended up being eerily true. The rest is usually b.s.

JokerJim2013 14

Stick to your guns. Horoscopes are such a waste of time!

You are totally correct That's all BS. It's all about Biorhythms!

TheManager 6

Your horoscope said this would happen...

Horoscopes are 100% bull, only existing to influence the weak-minded.

CharresBarkrey 15

I completely agree with your comment, but I'd like to refer to your profile info for a second and just say that I would be VERY amused to find out just how many of your friends are homosexual that you don't know about. And I would love to see your reaction when you do find out.

You know that stars and planets die, move, and change? Hence the correction to astrological signs a couple years ago? Seems legit, right?

shrdlu 28

Once out of curiosity, on my birthday I turned to the local paper's horoscopes to see what it said about people who had that birthday, and it said that the horoscope writer (Carroll Righter) had died. You'd think he would have seen that coming. BTW it looks to me like every single comment here (including mine) is against horoscopes. Does that mean there's NObody in favor of them?

Steve95401 49

A "Magic 8 Ball" is more accurate than any horoscope.