By Dr_Awesome654 - 31/05/2016 06:55 - United States - Blue Springs
Dr_Awesome654 tells us more.
Hey, op! In case you were wondering, I didn't get the job. I called after I realized I missed the opportunity and they said no jobs were open. Now for you curious people, the job was as a cashier at McDonalds, (yes they hire) and I don't know how much I would have gotten payed, I was just ecstatic to have a job, plus it would have been before my college student brother ever got one. But I can still beat him to get a drivers license ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Top comments
Wouldn't hurt to call them back for an inquiry. That's how I got the job I have now.
Probably not since their username is JoblessLoser.
Ah. Good spot #10
His username is "Jobless Loser." I'm gonna go on a whim and say he didn't get it.
A smooth 10 hours too late, #37.
Hopefully you can call too see if the spot is still open.
Did you make a holocaust joke to get it?
Ah. And the plan comes full circle.
That sucks OP, I hope you still get the job if the position isn't taken.
Unfortunately, I am not certain you can tender Two Weeks Notice without being employed there. ;-)
How did you not get a missed call? Or follow up once you'd not heard anything?
Exactly. Whenever I get job interviews I will call them and see if they made a decision yet. Calling them shows you're interested. Still sucks for OP, though. Hopefully they'll understand.
Give them a call explaining everything, if the position is already taken don't worry you'll find another one.
If they truly were interested in you, OP, I would call back and explain the situation. There's a small chance the spot is still open. It never hurts to try!

Hopefully you can call too see if the spot is still open.
So did you still get the job?