By Gibsonsgfreak21 - 25/03/2014 05:32 - United States - Northridge

Today, I learned the hard way that when I ask a cute girl if she's artistic, it sounds like I'm asking her if she's autistic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 873
You deserved it 5 373

Gibsonsgfreak21 tells us more.

Hey everyone! I'm the OP! Didn't think my post would be this popular! I don't have an accent- I'm from SoCal, but I was in a crowded class so it was hard to hear, so she just repeated what she thought I said. I've been talking to her for a while, but I asked her if she was artistic because we were really bored in a 3 hour class, so drawing would've been a fun distraction (although I can't draw to save my life). When I told the story to a couple friends, they thought I said 'autistic' instead or 'artistic' as well, so I guess she wasn't the only one. Also- I've done a lot of work helping children with autism. I've never say 'autistic' because i believe in ability before disability (ie. Saying, "A boy with autism" is better to say than "an autistic boy"). I explained what I meant to say and she laughed, so the FML isn't THAT bad. :)

Top comments

#22- im nearly positive, unless i am socially inept, that this was an attempt for conversation, not a pick up line


The only way I see this happening is if you have a British accent, in which case you need a better conversation starter, dude.

I have Asperger's *and* I'm artistic, so I'm not sure if I should be mad at her because there is absolutely nothing wrong with being autistic, contrary to what Autism Speaks and the general media want people to believe.

everyone seems to think it's a matter of enunciating, but it sounds like a speech impediment to me.

Hey - at least you got a cool accent.

o_uhu_intrstng 4

should have stopped at artist...

Shinara101 14

New York accent? That happens sometimes.

I'm not the one with the accent, duudes, YOU all are! Autistic person, person WITH autism, same thing! Only touchy people! INB4 my nephew is SEVERELY autistic and he says all the time that he doesn't care. "Only some people have no spines, just jelly".... heh.

I have a thing against autistic teens and those who use their disability to manipulate others (if you haven't seen it happen, don't defend them)