By Anonymous - 17/11/2012 00:30 - Croatia - Rijeka

Today, I have a tooth infection that's spread to my jaw and ear. It hurts so badly that I'm practically in tears. Today's also the day I found out I'm allergic to the medication I was prescribed. Everything hurts, I'm covered in hives, and I can't stop throwing up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 200
You deserved it 2 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CoolRainbowdash 15
KVKdragon 26

I'd go to an ER or a hospital at this point if you're in this much agony. Get better soon OP :(


Your that ill, yet you still have time and energy to upload this to fml?

I am not a doctor but suggest you inform the one who prescribed your medication what you shared with us. Sorry you are in so much pain. Good luck.

Who deserves that?.. I don't get why ppl would click that option.

I'm sorry OP. FYL. Sleep, and oranges numbing. That is magic right there.

Unless your airway is threatened, this is not something you need to go to the hospital for. You need to go to a dentist and get the tooth taken out. An antibiotic will not fix the problem because the infection is in the tooth, where the blood vessels have necrosed, preventing the antibiotic from being able to solve the problem, permanently. This is why you need to brush/floss/go to the dentist regularly and going to the ER for this stuff just raises the cost of healthcare for everyone...

That is what I said in 81.... Brush your teeth you non-hygienic person...

It is called a toothbrush... They sell them at your local hillbilly Walmart or as they say it in your part if the country... Da Whal-Mard

WannaBAsian 0

How in the hell does she deserve it?? Sorry op. hope you get better soon. Fyl.

I don't understand how people can say "you deserved this", that's just rude on their part

CharresBarkrey 15

How is that rude? You know infections are caused by cavities, right? Which are caused by poor or lack of dental hygiene. Tooth infections (that do NOT start from another source) are completely preventable by brushing and flossing.