By stupidstepsister - 12/10/2017 05:00 - Australia - Canberra

Today, I had to try to explain to my stepsister that it's inappropriate to ask to borrow my mother's wheelchair to dress up 'like a cripple' on Halloween. When I told her my mother would need the chair on Halloween anyway, she suggested we just carry her around for the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 745
You deserved it 226

Top comments

You're very lucky thinks is just a step sister. At least there's no blood relation to be afraid of common traits.

That's a horrible costume idea to begin with!


You're very lucky thinks is just a step sister. At least there's no blood relation to be afraid of common traits.

That's a horrible costume idea to begin with!

exileonmainst 16

If you get drunk enough they'll have to carry you instead! Problem solved.

Well, OP, you’ve provided some welcomed insight into how Cinderella would spend Halloween.

Stealthninjaa 19

If your stepsister still doesn't understand why that's a terrible idea, just show her the response to this FML post.

If your stepsister wants to dress up as a disabled person, she ought to go as a reta..., no, wait... a mentally challenged individual. She already seems to have the necessary equipment.

Tell your sister I'll run her over with my car so she really can be a cripple

As someone who is actually disabled and in a wheelchair, I just want to be treated like a normal everyday person. To think that people want to 'dress up' as a disabled person on Halloween, kinda makes me feel like a freak now. I can't even begin to imagine what you and your mother go through on a daily basis

RpiesSPIES 27

There's no reason to think that way. Keep in mind, people dress up as mexicans, black people and chinese people. It all falls under of: Why is this still a thing? People dressing up as other people. Most of the time it's racist or insensitive, like now for instance.

You make a good point RpiesSPIES. I guess it's nothing recalling bad about me, it says more about the people who would choose to dress up like that purposefully

On the other hand, if she tried it for the evening without anyone helping her, it might be something of a learning experience. I eventually gave up my manual wheelchair as I was losing by upper body strength, and couldn't handle of my any mire.