By Anonymous - 18/07/2012 16:09 - United Kingdom - Darlington

Today, I had the contraceptive implant removed from my arm after having had it in for three years. I was one of the unlucky people whose body sticks to it. It took half an hour to cut and pull a tiny little stick out of my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 456
You deserved it 2 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now I'm suddenly scared of having mine out.

I can't tell if "sticks to it" was planned or not considering t was a stick


HeavenLeigh12 6

Now I'm scared to get mine put in..

godhelpusall111 12

I'm afraid to Get mine out Too !!

I feel like contraceptives for women have either a high chance of being dangerous or of being recalled.

cierajay 3

how did they get it out? i have the same kind and im getting it out in like a week...

Same thing happened to me except it took 45 minutes!

My mom wanted to make me get one of those. I straight up told that bitch "no." I'm so happy she assumes that I'm going to **** it up as a teenager.

30 min damn I just got mine a few months ago.... Hope it's not as bad

i only got mine a month i can worry about that for 3 years, cheers OP :P

is anyone confused as to why the contraceptive implant was in OPs arm rather than ******??? cuz I sure am.

144- the contraceptive implant is a small stick that sits in the skin under your arm and releases hormones to stop you getting pregnant. i think you're thinking of the Coil, which goes inside your womb figured id answer in a nice way before the trolls are released :)

daisiebud 18

Thanks, I didn't get that either...