By lspicknall - 12/05/2012 06:41 - United States - Hartland

Today, I got all my wisdom teeth out. Have you ever thrown up after mouth surgery? Stomach acid in your bloody gum holes is just as fun as it sounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 757
You deserved it 2 204

lspicknall tells us more.

Sorry darling! You really do just fall asleep then you wane up you're done! Just make sure to have ice packs and lots of cold soft foods

Top comments

kevsnev 7

Oh my lanta! Hope you feel better!

Oh man. Getting wisdom teeth out is bad enough. Doing anything afterwards hurts, I can't imagine how throwing up would feel.


mandadarling 10

That happened to me too, except I did it while the surgeon was still putting in the gauze.. It's a very trippy way to stop being high.

Reply to #26 ...Unless you're a masochist?

Yes I have, as a matter of fact. I also woke up during the surgery and felt them digging around in my gums. AND my wisdom teeth were impacted, so they had to break my jawbones to get to them.

Technically, you are never "out" during surgery. The gas just causes you to forget everything as it happens. You actually feel every minute of it.

SpottedZebra - No. When you're out, you're out and you feel nothing. I'd love to know where you get your information.

10121995 0

Got mine out yesterday it freakin sucks ass!!!

nelds 12

You look a lot like Hannah Montana :P

UltimateGIRness 16

Awww. That sucks...feel better

i know how you feel. When i had my wisdom teeth out i was throwing up blood all day.. :/

XTheDesertSongX 17

That's what you get for doing "somach acid." Is that what the kids call it these days?

You're kidding, right? Stomach Acid is another term for the hydrochloric acid in your stomach. It's not a drug. People these days...

39- I really hope that was a joke, 'cause if not then you need to get out more.

XTheDesertSongX 17

I was clearly kidding. I'm fifteen, hence why I said, "these days," making me seem old. Thanks for clearing that up for me though, I would have never known without your help.

nelds 12

Have fun brushing your teeth then, OP :/ this makes me happy I don't have any wisdom teeth!