By sickkid - 23/11/2009 18:05 - United States

Today, I found out that my dad hides his Viagra from my mom by keeping it in an Aspirin container. Now I have a terrible headache and a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 564
You deserved it 67

Top comments

Rico5037 0

you should leave a note in the bottle that says we need to talk lol


The illustration is not the best, but it still makes me laugh :L

Oh the hilarity! The one advantage of being a woman is..... this shit don't happen to us!

Didn't notice the blue? Ouch. Also, Viagra will make many headaches worse!

Dude this is funny, thanks you made my day

venomousddog 19

Oh that will be a funny story when your mom needs an aspirin

I wonder what would happen if a girl took it...

dstluke 7

viagra is blue. aspirin is white. I call bullshit