By shandrith - 03/07/2009 14:16 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend is cheating on me, with the same guy I was cheating on him with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 229
You deserved it 874

shandrith tells us more.

Hi, I'm the one that posted this FML. I know that cheating wasn't a good thing to do, but that wasn't the point of the FML. Had I simply found out that he was cheating with someone else, of either gender as I knew that he was bi when we entered the relationship, I would have said nothing. The reason I posted it, and the reason I do consider it to be an FML is because of the absolute ridiculousness of the fact that we were cheating with the SAME PERSON!!! The three of us have spoken and decided that none of us are going to continue seeing each other. The BF and I were obviously both deeply unhappy, and the third part took advantage of both of us. Ex and I will probably remain friends, and chalk this up to one of those errors in life that are hilarious five years later, but hurt like hell when they happen. #3 can go to hell for all I care


AlmostHuman123 0

oooooh the irony :| horrible isn't it? haha.

awdorable 0

Oh, this is my most favourite FML so far!!! And everyone so far, I don't think the boyfriend is GAY if he is going out with A GIRL and a GUY!! That makes him BISEXUAL!!!! xoxo

yeah have a threesome but if it dosen't work out with ur bf..send him to me lol j/p but hey have fun with it see what u can get them to do with eachother might be fun to watch lol enjoy

AirforceBlu 0

well if you weren't a cheating piece of shit you wouldn't have been cheated on by your bf with another guy.

Ahaha what a ****** up triangle YDI for cheating

I'm gonna echo the many calls for the threesome! Yeah, you both suck for being cheating pieces of crap, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

Darkcloud_fml 0

just invite them both to bed together. Should be a good time.

tigerarmy_13 0

the other guy is good...i mean he got the girl AND the guy!?...ydi for cheating tho.