By Nikia818 - 06/02/2014 18:23 - United States - Newport News

Today, I burned my right boob. I got it by eating a hot pocket and accidentally spilling the extremely hot filling. I never thought I'd get laid before. This has just confirmed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 140
You deserved it 7 073

Nikia818 tells us more.

Thank you all so much! To clarify, I wasn't naked. I had a tank top on. I'm only kidding about worrying about getting laid. I'm studying to get into med school, so I really don't get laid in real life. But it doesn't bother me. I let the hot pocket sit and it was the perfect temperature until that bite...which was at the very end... I do have a nickel-sized pink scar and it blistered a little bit, but nothing major. All in all, I now know that the filling of a hpt pocket is hotter than the fiery pits of Hell.

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Thank you all so much! To clarify, I wasn't naked. I had a tank top on. I'm only kidding about worrying about getting laid. I'm studying to get into med school, so I really don't get laid in real life. But it doesn't bother me. I let the hot pocket sit and it was the perfect temperature until that bite...which was at the very end... I do have a nickel-sized pink scar and it blistered a little bit, but nothing major. All in all, I now know that the filling of a hpt pocket is hotter than the fiery pits of Hell.

Aloe vera plant is the best thing to put on burns, but you already knew that, right? I totally know the feeling of getting hot food down my shirt too, it's worse if it manages to get into your bra too.

MissSticks 21

I hate getting crumbs stuck in my bra. They're all scratchy.

Don't worry, op. When I was 7, I was making a kid's linguine (the penguin food), and it had pudding in it. It was so hot when I took it out that I dropped it and pudding burnt my foot.

Not the pudding! That cheap crappy stuff was delicious..

idk about as hot as hell but pretty close I'm told

Shoulda spilled some on the next bite too. Everyone knows the first bite is like lava and the second is like liquid nitrogen.

HFM15 5

someone might think its a hickey...

A blistering hickey? What is OP doing, getting it on with Satan?

#88. I practically pissed my pants. that was funny no matter what haters say.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

And why would someone give another person a hickey on their boob?

Don't worry! I've done the same thing and got laid after the fact.

You have boobs. ∴ All you must do is ask. Most men (and some women) will say yes.

dude you're giving hyper aggressive internet pervs a bad name.

Celfyndel 16

Not all guys care about boobs. You'll be fine unless you're just a terrible human being.