By Coolios - 24/06/2013 14:16 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Today, I bumped into my parents at the mall. They didn't tell me they were around. I live 5,000 miles away, in a different country from them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 869
You deserved it 3 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NavalAvaiations1 5

perhaps they were buying you a gift and then driving to surprise you. or, you just suck.

You just got "It's A Small World" stuck in my head.


Wait, but that would be pretty cool!!!

jaguar45b 7

Maybe they were going to surprise you. Why else would they go there?

Maybe they were going to surprise you.

Sounds like a guilt present is in order :)

At least they didn't walk by a prostitute and a partially naked man in your neighborhood in their first few minutes there.

At least they WERE not the prostitute and partially naked man in your neighbourhood :D That's what I read first and it sounds much more fun! And embarrassing...

Gee that's a bad one! It's like ur roles are reversed.

Well, it is DSS and the flights to Dubai are pretty cheap because of the weather, yes? :)