Toan is stored in the balls

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my Dad's banjo arrived, as part of his mid-life crisis. It would be fine if he could play it but unfortunately he's tone deaf. He hasn't stopped playing it for the last 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 327
You deserved it 2 780

Top comments

*twang* *twang* Wow! I'm really good at this!

Wait until dad goes to the bathroom, then cut the strings, then run away. When he comes looking act all sorry, even work up a tear or two to show dad how bad you feel that he was sold a defective banjo. Something like this: DAD..."Look what happened to my banjo! Do you know anything about this?" YOU... "No dad. OH MY GOD, what happened? Dad, those bastards sold you a defective banjo (sniff, sniff). I saw a show about the banjo scammers on 60 minutes (small sobbing cry). You had better return that right away. Besides dad, you're wayyy to intelligent and talented to play the banjo. I think a man of your abilities needs to do something cool, like model ship building. You would rock at that!"


Rickrollol_fml 0

Whatever you do, don't tell him that if he's going through a midlife crisis o.O

tone deaf means you can't hear the tone of your own voice

blink_kid 32

Feel yah bro. My dad bought a didgeridoo to help him through hid midlife crisis. No one deserves this.

hberri331 18

Maybe the banjo should have an accident ;)