That's not my name

By noname - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Alexandria

Today, I found out that my fellow marching band mates all refer to me as "The short girl with big tits" because none of them can remember my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 676
You deserved it 4 566

Top comments

A lot of girls would dig that nickname, though. Or at the very least, just dig having big enough **** to be remembered by.

stevenJB 25


drayloon 50

my gf is also short with big ****, but shes in orchestra. lol

sirdanielson 5

at least you got tig-o-bitties! & aint some flat chested self concious beezy. your winnin!

Its not a bad thing, they think youre hot

MacZombieRawr 2

That awkward moment when you're the nerd of the band geeks and they don't even care to learn your name.

congele 6

Could be worse. Going into high school, one of my friends somehow acquired the nickname buttpirate by everyone in school. He never shed it and he's about to graduate XD