Social anxiety wins again

By sierra - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, an attractive guy asked me to get coffee with him. My response was, "I don't drink coffee." I turned down the first guy to ask me out in 3 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 828
You deserved it 41 996

Top comments

soul_aether 6

Coffee shops usually have more than just coffee. =p


Yeah if you keep on acting like that you gonna keep on being single.

mikachoo 0

idiot!! your supposed to say yes!!! who cares if you don't drink coffee, order a tea!!!

Coming from someone who has a very hard time with the English language! Just sayin'!

If he was smooth he would have said something like, "well how about I get a coffee and you can talk to me while I drink it?"

conniejoy529 10

Totally did the same thing once. I never get asked out then like my junior year of college a guy asked me out. He asked me to go see a specific movie, Saw III, I said no before I even thought about it. Not because I didn't want to go out with him, because I totally did, but because I was completely, totally, afraid of that movie. It didn't occur to me at the time to say lets go see something else, I just said no and made a face (I was that weirded out by that movie series). He never asked me out again, in fact he barely spoke to me again.

3 whole months. Gosh, you're so deprived.

cameron15_fml 0

Never turn down anything free! -____- lol

Apparently you're willing to wait three more months for a date?

rogue2888 4

I'll have a hot chocolate with you