Saxophone solo

By fartypants - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Winter Park

Today, as I finished my piano recital and took a bow, I farted into the microphone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 890
You deserved it 4 551

Top comments

Looks like your butt cheeks started the applause for the audience. You must have done an amazing job :)

Well, at least the audience will go home with a laugh! I'm sorry, FYL, OP, but one day you'll look back on it and laugh!


welp, time to move and change your name.

Were you meaning to hold that in or did it just slip out?

Great story to tell the grandchildren.

Kml this is too funny I had to tell everybody in my house this fml

cookie1207 19

This is what you call finishing with a bang!!