Same joke, different year

By joleezad5 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Nixa

Today, while watching the Olympics, my father found it completely necessary to make a farting sound every single time an athlete jumps or bends over. This will be a very long few weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 202
You deserved it 2 470

Top comments

I first read it as he farts anytime an athlete farts or jumps over and thought, WTF, how does he fart so much.


Is your dad Peter Griffin? That's the only way I could find this humorous. Otherwise it's just pathetic and puerile.

This reminds me of the Matrix fart parody.....

Be lucky your dad has a good sense of humour.

Brutal_Bunny 9

Start making up internal dialogue for the Olympic competitors, Mystery Science Theater style. Either your dad will be annoyed into silence, or he will merrily join in and (mostly) forget to interject fart noises. I'm betting on the latter.

I'm sure it is an act of desperation. Nobody should have to watch that.

I'm on both sides here. It would be hilarious the first few times, but it would get old quick.