Same joke, different year

By joleezad5 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Nixa

Today, while watching the Olympics, my father found it completely necessary to make a farting sound every single time an athlete jumps or bends over. This will be a very long few weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 202
You deserved it 2 470

Top comments

I first read it as he farts anytime an athlete farts or jumps over and thought, WTF, how does he fart so much.


one can only hope he fails on the follow through. although it would be funnier if he didnt

Sounds like something my dad would do as well :D

He has his own farting marathon as well.

MyaaBayyBee 6

Just don't watch it with him . Go to a different room.

Farts are the funniest things. I wish your dad was my dad haha!

perdix 29

And just how many of these fart noises does he imitate with his mouth, and how many are authentic. Smells like a game of Russian roulette.

I see he's puffing on his rectal cigar. Gross.

Omg, that SOOOOO sucks. I would know. My dad and brothers do the same, and I just DIE. That's why I stay away from them...really sorry OP. Good luck..