Pleased to meet you

By ANON - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Littleton

Today, I went straight from work to a blind date, and I decided to change in my car at the parking lot. Someone pulled up next to me as I had my ass to the window. It was my date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 174
You deserved it 8 990

Top comments

If changing required you to have your ass out facing the world, you should have stopped to change somewhere. YDI

I think starting a date with a view of a full moon is a wonderful idea


If changing required you to have your ass out facing the world, you should have stopped to change somewhere. YDI

Hopefully she or he understood the situation you were in after you explained it.

BamBAmGG 14

And hopefully OP has a nice ass, so maybe the blind date didn't mind the view ? lol

serpent_king 6

Op why not change at work? Or maybe stop at a gas station?

because gas station bathrooms are disgusting

Right, anytime I'm forced to change in a public bathroom I do my best to make sure nothing touches the ground or the walls.

Want to know what else is disgusting? Shoving your ass out the window for everybody to see. What if it were to be someone else?

gquagmire 17

How were you changing? I'm pretty sure no asses need to be close to windows

I think starting a date with a view of a full moon is a wonderful idea

You couldn't have gotten changed before you left work? In a public bathroom? Or even in the restaurant's bathroom? It sucks he saw you but you brought it on yourself.

Whoa if HE saw that there would be no fml here.

..that's...literally what happened..??^^

he's saying if it was a girl who mooned the guy it'd be sweet.

11, 39 - Well since this is from the perspective of the mooner not the moonee...

So your date a preview before she got e the action after the date.

Were you changing in a doggy style position or you are just that short to be standing on your car seat? Either way, it's not normal OP especially when your car is not heavily tinted. I'm assuming it is not since someone saw your ass.