Phones, how do they work?!

By Anonymous - 28/07/2024 03:00

Today, a voicemail suddenly appeared in my messages. Last week I missed a call from an Unknown caller, and no number was listed. Turns out they wanted to arrange an interview for a job I really wanted. They left a number in the voicemail, telling me to call them back that day if I was interested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 634
You deserved it 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why I HATE having to have data on to receive new voicemails.

Ambrily 27

What if they COULDN'T answer the phone when they got it? Missing a call doesn't necessarily mean they just ignored it!


This is why I HATE having to have data on to receive new voicemails.

Call them and if they are still interested they might interview you. Though I'm not sure I'd want to work for a place that would have their number show up as "unknown" on caller id...

YDI!!! It is YOUR OWN FAULT! If you have been looking for work...why did you not answer the phone. I never answer calls from numbers that I do not know, EXCEPT when looking for a job, then I answer every call that comes in because you never know what number a prospective job will call you from. You ignored the call, you ignored the voicemail. You have NO ONE to blame but yourself!

Ambrily 27

What if they COULDN'T answer the phone when they got it? Missing a call doesn't necessarily mean they just ignored it!

While I too ignore unknown numbers if they don't leave a message, I would make an exception if I were currently applying for jobs. Bit of a dumb move.